What Is An Inverter

Inverters are electrical devices designed to transform direct currents (DC) into alternating currents (AC). While household appliances require AC power for functionality, AC power isn't storable and needs to be converted into DC power prior to storage in a battery. Hence, inverters serve as backup solutions during power interruptions, delivering AC power to appliances.

There are three major types of inverters

1. Square Wave Inverter

This type of inverter is the least efficient among the three. It is typically utilized for basic appliances requiring minimal power to restart.

2. Modified Sine-wave Inverter

The activation time for this inverter is several minutes. It generates power sufficient for operating basic electronics. However, its power transition isn’t as seamless as that of pure sine wave inverters.

OPPEX SOLAR is a leading solar service company in Abuja, Nigeria. We offer affordable package for solar, battery and inverter and we work with  the best brands which offer quality products

Three Types Of Inverters
3. Pure Sine-Wave Inverter

Employing advanced technology, this type of inverter offers enhanced protection for delicate electronics. It boasts the capability to adjust voltage settings dynamically as required. Regarded as the optimal choice for both residential homes and commercial shops, it ensures reliable power supply.

How Do Inverters Work

Inverters don’t produce or retain electricity. Their main role is transforming AC power from power stations into DC power for battery storage. Why not store electricity directly in its AC form? Because while household devices operate on AC power, inverter batteries exclusively accept DC power for charging. Thus, the inverter converts AC power into DC for battery storage.

What Happens When There Is Light

Inverters, often referred to as power backup devices, aren’t solely active during blackouts. In fact, they operate continuously. When the primary power source is on, the inverter utilizes it to recharge the battery. This stored energy serves as a backup during power outages. Once the battery reaches full charge, the inverter ceases the charging process.

What Happens When There Is No Light

During a power outage, the inverter transitions from its primary mode to backup mode. In this state, it converts the DC power stored in the battery into AC power for various appliances. It’s important to emphasize that the inverter only delivers electricity to the appliances it’s connected to. Other devices not linked to it will only function once the main power supply is restored.

Best Solar Company In Abuja

OPPEX SOLAR is the best solar company in  Abuja. We have been in business for over five(5) years and we have partnered with over 20 brands which produce the be solar accessories

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